
Open Studios Art tour 08

Yes, another successful art tour.  Lots of new visitors this year, as well as familiar die hards.  Maybe they were coming for the live music?  Well no one was drinking the cheap wine I had on hand so we threw a BBQ after party and it all disappeared rapidly.  Here's Josh wooing the potential art buyers.


Gibby helps out with the overgrown lawn

Open Studios Art tour was not bad this year.   The weather was behaving and my kids were being extra helpful.  Look, even Gibby decided to mow the lawn for me!


Hospital panel coming along nicely

This is a 5' x 3' arched panel to be installed in a niche at Enloe Hospitals new parking structure.  It will be facing outwards on a sidewalk for all to take a gander.  It's part of a new program many hospitals are accepting, called Planetree in which art is included in plain sight of patients and visitors to aid in the healing process.  Pretty cool..